He's beautiful, right!? Our baby boy gets cuter and cuter every single day. Personally, I have no idea how it's possible; he's SO cute! Mason has developed quite a personality now, which is so fun to see! Finally at week 6 he started to smile socially; I was so grateful, as I had been getting very anxious for this moment to come. He loves to stick out his tongue, which has turned out to be a very cute game that we play. He loves when Ricky makes a coo sound and brings his hand around his face - he coo's right back, and almost giggles - the CUTEST thing. He loves to look around at everything, and therefore is very easily distracted when I am trying to make him smile. Mason loves to be on top of his changing pad (which is high up, on top of his dresser)! When we put him on it, he is so content, and so happy. Mason is incredibly at ease when taking a bath and seriously loves it...as soon as we take him out, that's a different story! When Mason is hungry, he is HUNGRY. He will go from cute, smiley boy, to all out terror, screaming fits, when he is hungry; it's actually pretty funny...yet very stressful. Mason is still eating every 3-4 hours during the day, 5 ounces. At night he wakes up on average once, usually in the 3am hour. So nights really aren't bad at all. Finally he is wearing those adorable 0-3 onesies I've had since before we were blessed with Mason! Up till last week he was still in newborn sizes and newborn diapers! We've now gone to 0-3 onesies, and size 1 diapers! Very exciting!!
We had a pretty incredible baby shower for Mason last weekend with a small group of 60 or so of our closest friends :) It was amazing! We had so much fun. Baseball theme, with baseball foods of all kinds, jumper/bounce house for the kids in the front yard, cotton candy machine, popcorn machine, and sugar cookies in a Dodger theme (Thanks McKenzie Ricks!)...it was the perfect shower, just what Ricky and I wished for. Next week we are sooooooooooooooo excited to travel to Grass Valley to see my parents, and have another shower there with our local family and friends. We couldn't be more excited for Mason to see his Lolly and Poppy again!
This adventure with Mason is....amazing? I seriously feel there's got to be a better word. But amazing, incredible, etc. just don't do it justice. I love every single second I spend with him (same goes for Ricky). We love him so much, and are so thankful to be his parents.