Just a few family Selfies :)
"takes two to tango" is a common idiomatic expression which suggests something in which more than one person or other entity are paired in an inextricably-related and active manner. The tango is a dance which requires two partners moving in relation to each other, sometimes in tandem, sometimes in opposition...any situation in which the two partners are by definition understood to be essential - as in a marriage (wikipedia definition).
Saturday, November 8, 2014
Goats, corn dogs, and more goats, oh my!
We took Mason and Grandma Paulette to the LA County Fair this year. It was a lot of fun (we were fortunate enough to get in for free and park for free!). I loved it, and the food. At one point Mason was surrounded by at least 30 goats. It was hilarious; he was in toddler heaven!! I will let the pictures speak for themselves :)
Two of Mason's Favorite Things...bathtub & beach
Mason loves the bath...LOVES.the.bath. He takes a bath every day, and on the weekends, twice a day (usually depending on how much ketchup he ate).
Mason also loves the beach...almost as much as his daddy does. We had so much fun one warm October morning (I hate our lack of seasons). Mason tried everything he could to pull out of our grip and run into the waves; he'll be a surfer for sure.
Here's a few pictures from these two favorite activities :)
Bike Rides!
Mason LOVES to ride bikes. We go on a bike ride every day after we get home from school! He points out every dog along the way saying "Dog!" Every time. He gets so excited!! These are a few pics from our ride the other day :) Isn't he beautiful?!